Freedom OPs
Early in the evolution of F3 Nation, the founders developed GrowSchool as a way to teach the men of F3 Nation the principles and skills that helped them inspire a movement that spread across America to invigorate male community leadership. These Saturday workouts and Q-school were effective in helping spread F3 culture to new Regions across the U.S. Still, they knew something was missing. They realized how important a signature event would be to the growth of F3 as an organization, the Regions, and even the individual leaders who participate. They realized that participating in a Rucking event with the opportunity to immediately apply the skills learned from the F3 GrowSchool solidifies the principles that allow High Impact Men to harden the principles learned in themselves, like iron on a forge. Freedom Ops is a weekend-long event that combines F3 GrowSchool with an overnight Rucking event event to immediately apply F3 leadership skills. By adding the overnight Ruck component to the GrowSchool experience, F3 Nation aims to catalyze and accelerate a location’s growth and the bonds of brotherhood that form when several regions join together and suffer together to accomplish a mission. The Freedom logo is symbolic of these two goals:
- That Freedom Ops will fertilize the roots in each individual region by helping the leaders and future leaders grow as individuals. That downward growth of roots is what helps create a stable foundation for the explosive growth that follows soon after.
- Freedom Ops will spread up and out, allowing regions to connect with each other and in doing so create an environment that allows for future regions to be planted especially where other regions are in close proximity. In a forest, having an entire bed of interconnected roots makes the entire forest stronger and more connected. The logo embodies this hope that Freedom Ops can create a solid foundation and solid connections among neighboring regions that will allow the amazing growth to continue to build F3 across the nation. #ROOTS
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Freedom Ops are ideally suited to F3 locations where they can draw from multiple F3 Regions within driving distance, with the ideal class size being 75-100 participants. Part of the draw for participating in Freedom Ops are the connections and friendships that form between Regions. That being said, not everyone in an Region needs to participate in the overnight Rucking event to get something out of Freedom Ops, as many of the weekend’s events are open to all PAX (including a new concept called an IMPACT Ruck). Freedom Ops can be coordinated in smaller regions and events can be hosted by individual regions with the right preparation. Sign up for Freedom Ops on the Events tab for and make the commitment to discover the answer to the question, “What’s Next?” As Iron Sharpen Iron, so one man sharpens another. Interested in hosting an event? Contact growruck@f3nation.com to get plugged in or complete our form under the Host an Event tab in our header at the top of this page. While Freedom Ops can be customized to fit the needs of each region, the basic format is:
- Friday night meetup and fellowship event
- Saturday AM Workout + GrowSchool
- Saturday PM Rucking Event (12-14 hours)
- Sunday AM post-ruck meetup and fellowship event (wrap-up)