Meet the
Freedom OPs CADRE

Danny Stokes
Freedom Ops Operations Leader

Jeff Marsh
Cadre Team Leader
Jeff Marsh aka Flight Nurse hails from F3 Cape Fear and as a pax during GTE’s 17, 21 and 22 recognized the value in the GrowRuck program and graduated with Cadre Academy Class 001. He joined the US Navy as a 17 year old knucklehead, is grateful for the experience, and holds a profound respect for those that put themselves in harm’s way for the sake of others. He currently serves as Site Q for their recovery AO and leads monthly ruck CSAUP events. GTE is an opportunity to create an alternate trajectory for your life and he believes men need to continually do difficult and challenging things to avoid the status quo. Thus, sign up for a GTE.

Jim Gregory
Jim Gregory aka Major Payne, has been a GrowRuck Cade since October 2020. He launched F3TheCapital (National Capital Region) and became its first Nant’an, and he currently serves the F3 Nation as the Northeast Sector Q. Additionally, he served our country as an Army Green Beret, deploying multiple times to lead troops in combat in both Afghanistan and Iraq. In his role as a GrowRuck Cadre, he loves helping PAX accomplish more than they ever thought they could, turning their head knowledge into heart knowledge and learning that as they walk through the valley of the shadow of death, they can make it. In fact, they can excel as long as they learn to trust God, themselves and their brothers around them.

Michael Ruffing
Michael Ruffing aka Uncle Rico is a graduate of Cadre Academy Class 001 and hails from F3 Naperville where he has served as CommZ Q, an F3 Nation TRUEBADOUR, and is now the Chief Development Officer for the F3 Naperville Foundation. He believes strongly that a GTE experience will help shape men’s leadership skills as individuals and as teammates, will unlock the stale beliefs of what each man is truly capable of, and is passionate about helping bring forth this opportunity to as many F3 Men as possible.

Councial Glenn

Addison Haynes

Tim Carr

Tony Cipriani

Thai Klam

Garrett Purvis

Matt Chenworth

John Lambert

Brent Mathany